Modeling with OptiGraphs

The primary data structure in Plasmo.jl is the OptiGraph, a mathematical model composed of OptiNodes (which represent self-contained optimization problems) that are connected by OptiEdges (which encapsulate linking constraints that couple optinodes). The optigraph is meant to offer a modular mechanism to create optimization problems and provide methods that can help develop specialized solution strategies, visualize problem structure, or perform graph processing tasks such as partitioning.

The optigraph ultimately describes the following mathematical representation of an optimization problem:

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{{\{x_n}\}_{n \in \mathcal{N}(\mathcal{G})}} & \quad F(\{f_n(x_n)\}_{n \in \mathcal{N(\mathcal{G})}}) \quad & (\textrm{Objective}) \\ \textrm{s.t.} & \quad x_n \in \mathcal{X}_n, \quad n \in \mathcal{N(\mathcal{G})}, \quad & (\textrm{Node Constraints})\\ & \quad g_e(\{x_n\}_{n \in \mathcal{N}(e)}) = 0, \quad e \in \mathcal{E(\mathcal{G})}. &(\textrm{Edge (Link) Constraints}) \end{aligned}\]

In this formulation, $\mathcal{G}$ represents the optigraph, ${\{x_n}\}_{n \in \mathcal{N}(\mathcal{G})}$ describes a collection of decision variables over the set of optinodes $\mathcal{N}(\mathcal{G})$, and $x_n$ is the set of decision variables on optinode $n$. The objective function for the optigraph $F(\{f_n(x_n)\}_{n \in \mathcal{N(\mathcal{G})}})$ is given as a composition of optinode objective functions $f_n(x_n)$ (it could be a separable summation of node objectives or any nonlinear function defined over optinode variables). The constraints of an optinode $n$ are represented by the set $\mathcal{X}_n$ while the linking constraints that correspond to an edge $e$ are represented by the vector function $g_e(\{x_n\}_{n \in \mathcal{N}(e)})$.

From an implementation standpoint, an optigraph extends much of the modeling functionality and syntax from JuMP. We also sometimes drop the 'opti' prefix and refer to objects as graphs, nodes, and edges throughout the documentation, but we note when the 'opti' distincition is important.


The OptiNode and OptiGraph each extend a JuMP.AbstractModel and support JuMP macros such as @variable, @constraint, @expression, and @objective as well as many other JuMP methods that work on a JuMP.Model. The OptiEdge supports most JuMP methods as well but does not support @variable or @objective.

Creating a New OptiGraph

An optigraph does not require any arguments to construct but it is recommended to include the optional name argument for tracking and model management purposes. We begin by creating a new optigraph named graph1.

julia> using Plasmo

julia> graph1 = OptiGraph(;name=:graph1)
An OptiGraph
          graph1 #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         0                0
          Edges:         0                0
      Subgraphs:         0                0
      Variables:         0                0
    Constraints:         0                0

Add Variables and Constraints using OptiNodes

Optinodes contain modular groups of optimization variables, constraints, and other model data. The typical way to add optinodes to an graph is by using the @optinode macro where the below snippet adds the node n1 to graph1.

julia> @optinode(graph1, n1)

You can also use the add_node method to add individual optinodes. In this case, the above snippet would look like: n1 = add_node(graph1)

The @optinode macro is more useful for creating containers of optinodes like shown in the below code snippet. Here, we create two more optinodes referred to as nodes1. This macro returns a JuMP.DenseAxisArray which allows us to refer to each optinode using the produced index sets. For example, nodes1[2] and nodes1[3] each return the corresponding optinode.

julia> @optinode(graph1, nodes1[2:3])
1-dimensional DenseAxisArray{OptiNode{OptiGraph},1,...} with index sets:
    Dimension 1, 2:3
And data, a 2-element Vector{OptiNode{OptiGraph}}:

julia> nodes1[2]

julia> nodes1[3]

Each optinode supports adding variables, constraints, expressions, and an objective function. Here we loop through each optinode in graph1 using the local_nodes function and we construct underlying model elements.

julia>  for node in all_nodes(graph1)
            @variable(node,x >= 0)
            @variable(node, y >= 2)
            @constraint(node, node_constraint_1, x + y >= 3)
            @constraint(node, node_constraint_2, x^3 >= 1)
            @objective(node, Min, x + y)

julia> graph1
An OptiGraph
          graph1 #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         3                3
          Edges:         0                0
      Subgraphs:         0                0
      Variables:         6                6
    Constraints:        12               12

Variables within an optinode can be accessed directly by indexing the associated symbol. This enclosed name-space is useful for referencing variables on different optinodes when creating linking constraints or optigraph objective functions.

julia> n1[:x]

julia> nodes1[2][:x]

Add Linking Constraints using Edges

An OptiEdge can be used to store linking constraints that couple variables across optinodes. The simplest way to create a linking constraint is to use the @linkconstraint macro which accepts the same input as the JuMP.@constraint macro, but it requires an expression with at least two variables that exists on two different optinodes. The actual constraint is stored on the edge that connects the optinodes referred to in the linking constraint. This optiedge is created if it does not already exist.

julia> @linkconstraint(graph1, link_reference, n1[:x] + nodes1[2][:x] + nodes1[3][:x] == 3)
n1[:x] + nodes1[2][:x] + nodes1[3][:x] = 3

Some users may choose to create the edge manually and add the constraint like following:

edge = add_edge(graph1, n1, nodes1[2], nodes1[3])
@constraint(edge, link_reference, n1[:x] + nodes1[2][:x] + nodes1[3][:x] == 3)

Both approaches are equivalent.

Add an Objective Function

By default, the graph objective is empty even if objective functions exist on nodes. We leave it up to the user to determine what the objective function for the graph should be given its contained nodes. We provide the convenience function set_to_node_objectives which will set the graph objective function to the sum of all the node objectives. We can set the graph objective like following:

julia> set_to_node_objectives(graph1)

julia> objective_function(graph1)
n1[:x] + n1[:y] + nodes1[2][:x] + nodes1[2][:y] + nodes1[3][:x] + nodes1[3][:y]

Solving and Querying Solutions

An optimizer can be specified using the set_optimizer function which supports any MathOptInterface.jl optimizer. For example, we use the Ipopt.Optimizer from the Ipopt.jl to solve the optigraph like following:

julia> using Ipopt

julia> using Suppressor # suppress complete output

julia> set_optimizer(graph1, Ipopt.Optimizer);

julia> set_optimizer_attribute(graph1, "print_level", 0); #suppress Ipopt output

julia> @suppress optimize!(graph1)

The solution of an optigraph is stored directly on its optinodes and optiedges. Variables values, constraint duals, objective function values, and solution status codes can be queried just like in JuMP.

julia> termination_status(graph1)   
LOCALLY_SOLVED::TerminationStatusCode = 4

julia> value(n1[:x])    

julia> value(nodes1[2][:x])

julia> value(nodes1[3][:x])

julia> round(objective_value(graph1))

julia> round(dual(link_reference), digits = 2)

julia> round(dual(n1[:node_constraint_1]), digits = 2)

julia> round(dual(n1[:node_constraint_2]), digits = 2)

Plotting OptiGraphs

We can also plot the structure of graph1 using both graph and matrix layouts from the PlasmoPlots package.

using PlasmoPlots

plt_graph = layout_plot(
        :axis => nothing

plt_matrix = matrix_layout(graph1, node_labels=true, markersize=15);   

graph_modeling1 matrix_modeling1


The layout_plot and matrix_plot functions both return a Plots.plot object which can be used for further customization and saving using Plots.jl

Modeling with Subgraphs

A fundamental feature of modeling with optigraphs is the ability to create nested optimization structures using subgraphs (i.e. sub-optigraphs). Subgraphs are created using the add_subgraph method which embeds an optigraph as a subgraph within a higher level optigraph. This is demonstrated in the below snippets. First, we create two new optigraphs in the same fashion as above.

# create graph2
graph2 = OptiGraph(;name=:graph2);
@optinode(graph2, nodes2[1:3]);
for node in all_nodes(graph2)
    @variable(node, x >= 0)
    @variable(node, y >= 2)
    @constraint(node,x + y >= 5)
    @objective(node, Min, y)
@linkconstraint(graph2, nodes2[1][:x] + nodes2[2][:x] + nodes2[3][:x] == 5);

# create graph3
graph3 = OptiGraph(;name=:graph3);
@optinode(graph3, nodes3[1:3]);
for node in all_nodes(graph3)
    @variable(node, x >= 0)
    @variable(node, y >= 2)
    @constraint(node,x + y >= 5)
    @objective(node, Min, y)
@linkconstraint(graph3, nodes3[1][:x] + nodes3[2][:x] + nodes3[3][:x] == 7);


# output

An OptiGraph
          graph3 #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         3                3
          Edges:         1                1
      Subgraphs:         0                0
      Variables:         6                6
    Constraints:        10               10

We now have three optigraphs (graph1,graph2, and graph3), each with their own local optinodes and optiedges. These three optigraphs can be embedded into a higher level optigraph using the following snippet:

julia> graph0 = OptiGraph(;name=:root_graph)
An OptiGraph
      root_graph #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         0                0
          Edges:         0                0
      Subgraphs:         0                0
      Variables:         0                0
    Constraints:         0                0

julia> add_subgraph(graph0, graph1);

julia> graph0
An OptiGraph
      root_graph #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         0                3
          Edges:         0                1
      Subgraphs:         1                1
      Variables:         0                6
    Constraints:         0               13

julia> add_subgraph(graph0, graph2);

julia> graph0
An OptiGraph
      root_graph #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         0                6
          Edges:         0                2
      Subgraphs:         2                2
      Variables:         0               12
    Constraints:         0               23

julia> add_subgraph(graph0, graph3);

julia> graph0
An OptiGraph
      root_graph #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         0                9
          Edges:         0                3
      Subgraphs:         3                3
      Variables:         0               18
    Constraints:         0               33

Here, we see the distinction between local and total graph elements. After we add all three subgraphs to graph0, we see that it contains 0 local optinodes, but contains 9 total optinodes which are elements of its subgraphs. This hierarchical distinction is also made for optiedges and nested subgraphs.

Using this nested approach, linking constraints can be expressed both locally and globally. For instance, we can add a linking constraint to graph0 that connects optinodes across its subgraphs like following:

julia> @linkconstraint(graph0, nodes1[3][:x] + nodes2[2][:x] + nodes3[1][:x] == 10)
nodes1[3][:x] + nodes2[2][:x] + nodes3[1][:x] = 10

julia> graph0
An OptiGraph
      root_graph #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         0                9
          Edges:         1                4
      Subgraphs:         3                3
      Variables:         0               18
    Constraints:         1               34

graph0 now contains 1 local edge, and 4 total edges (3 from the subgraphs). The higher level edge linking constraint can be thought of as a global constraint that connects subgraphs. This hierarchical construction can be useful for developing optimization problems separately and then coupling them in a higher level optigraph.

We can lastly plot the hierarchical optigraph and see the nested subgraph structure.

using PlasmoPlots

plt_graph0 = PlasmoPlots.layoutplot(
    layout_options = Dict(

plt_matrix0 = PlasmoPlots.matrix_plot(
    node_labels = true,
    subgraph_colors = true,
    markersize = 16

graph_modeling2 matrix_modeling2

Query OptiGraph Attributes

Plasmo.jl offers various methods to inspect the optigraph data structures (see the API Documentation for a full list). We can use local_nodes to retrieve an array of the optinodes contained directly within an optigraph, or we can use all_nodes to recursively retrieve all of the optinodes in an optigraph (which includes the nodes in its subgraphs).

julia> local_nodes(graph1)
3-element Vector{OptiNode{OptiGraph}}:

julia> local_nodes(graph0)

julia> all_nodes(graph0)
9-element Vector{OptiNode{OptiGraph}}:

It is also possible to query for optiedges in the same way using local_edges and all_edges.

julia> local_edges(graph1)
1-element Vector{OptiEdge{OptiGraph}}:

julia> local_edges(graph0)
1-element Vector{OptiEdge{OptiGraph}}:

julia> all_edges(graph0)
4-element Vector{OptiEdge{OptiGraph}}:

We can query linking constraints using local_link_constraints and all_link_constraints.

julia> local_link_constraints(graph1)
1-element Vector{ConstraintRef}:
 n1[:x] + nodes1[2][:x] + nodes1[3][:x] = 3

julia> local_link_constraints(graph0)
1-element Vector{ConstraintRef}:
 nodes1[3][:x] + nodes2[2][:x] + nodes3[1][:x] = 10

julia> all_link_constraints(graph0)
4-element Vector{ConstraintRef}:
 nodes1[3][:x] + nodes2[2][:x] + nodes3[1][:x] = 10
 n1[:x] + nodes1[2][:x] + nodes1[3][:x] = 3
 nodes2[1][:x] + nodes2[2][:x] + nodes2[3][:x] = 5
 nodes3[1][:x] + nodes3[2][:x] + nodes3[3][:x] = 7

We can lastly query subgraphs using local_subgraphs and all_subgraphs methods.

julia> local_subgraphs(graph0)
3-element Vector{OptiGraph}:
 An OptiGraph
          graph1 #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         3                3
          Edges:         1                1
      Subgraphs:         0                0
      Variables:         6                6
    Constraints:        13               13

 An OptiGraph
          graph2 #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         3                3
          Edges:         1                1
      Subgraphs:         0                0
      Variables:         6                6
    Constraints:        10               10

 An OptiGraph
          graph3 #local elements  #total elements
          Nodes:         3                3
          Edges:         1                1
      Subgraphs:         0                0
      Variables:         6                6
    Constraints:        10               10

Managing Solutions with OptiGraphs

While it is common to use an optigraph as a means to build a singular optimization problem that can be solved with standard solvers, it is also possible to come up with custom solution strategies that consist of solving smaller subgraphs or use optigraph elements to generate new optigraphs we can solve. To demonstrate, assume we first want to solve each subgraph in graph0 in isolation. This can be done like following:

# optimize each subgraph with Ipopt
for subgraph in local_subgraphs(graph0)
    @objective(subgraph, Min, sum(all_variables(subgraph)))
    set_optimizer(subgraph, Ipopt.Optimizer)
    set_optimizer_attribute(subgraph, "print_level", 0);

# check termination status of each solve

# output

3-element Vector{MathOptInterface.TerminationStatusCode}:
 LOCALLY_SOLVED::TerminationStatusCode = 4
 LOCALLY_SOLVED::TerminationStatusCode = 4
 LOCALLY_SOLVED::TerminationStatusCode = 4

We can query the value of each solution using value like before, but lets instead specify the graph argument for clarity.

julia> value(graph1, n1[:x])

julia> n2 = graph2[1] # get first node on graph2

julia> round(value(graph2, n2[:x]); digits=2)

julia> n3 = graph3[1] # get first node on graph3

julia> round(value(graph3, n3[:x]); digits=2)

Now assume we want to use these subgraph solutions to initialize the full graph solution. We could do this using JuMP.set_start_value like following:

julia> set_start_value.(all_variables(graph1), value.(graph1, all_variables(graph1)));

julia> set_start_value.(all_variables(graph2), value.(graph2, all_variables(graph2)));

julia> set_start_value.(all_variables(graph3), value.(graph3, all_variables(graph3)));

Now that each subgraph has a new initial solution, the total initial solution can be used to optimize graph0 since all of the subgraph attributes will be copied over.

julia> @objective(graph0, Min, sum(all_variables(graph0))); # set graph0 objective

julia> set_optimizer(graph0, Ipopt.Optimizer);

julia> set_optimizer_attribute(graph0, "print_level", 0);

julia> optimize!(graph0);

julia> termination_status(graph0)
LOCALLY_SOLVED::TerminationStatusCode = 4

While somewhat simple, this example shows what kinds of model approaches can be taken with Plasmo.jl. Checkout Graph Processing and Analysis for more advanced functionality that makes use of the optigraph structure to define and solve problems.